Monday, January 09, 2006

The Milligram Story

I got onto my daily bus to go to my office. As it happens daily, so it was that day, I managed to miss all the company buses that drop the employees directly at the company, thanks to the snoring fatman, a new joinee at my pg(paying guest for non-bangalore ppl). Anyway coming back to the scene in the bus. The 335A bus to itpl was full with ppl justling for space. It was the sort of bus with only a single entrance / exit at the front. I asked the driver for a ticket to graphite india, the nearest stop to my office. I took my ticket and waded my way to the back of the bus since my stop was just a few stops away from the last stop(whew!!!!, how many stops have i typed ??). And it would take a minimum of 45 minutes to reach my stop. I was standing with one hand held to the holding rod and the other in my pocket(some style, huh ;))). Barely did the bus move a few paces and lo, presto!!!!, another traffic junction and another wait started.
I got a seat after an elderly person got up, after getting frustrated due to the jam. Anywayz, the bus moved soon after and the next busstop was kodihalli. btw, i forgot to tell u, i stay in domlur layout and fyi, kodihalli is the next busstop while going on airport road.

The bus started after a few minutes (obviously due to a traffic jam, yeah in bangalore, the bus moves occasionally and the jams are the more frequent notable eventz).


Blogger pradeep said...

dude, get yourself a bike or car soon.

3:19 PM, January 11, 2006  

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